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Giving by Grace

As a church family and followers of Jesus, we are called to love and to worship God and to further our care for and service to the communities of Green Acres, Palm Beaches and the world. We seek to fulfill this calling to continue the ministry of Jesus by:

Giving a Lecture
  1. Developing our services to enable people of all ages the abandonment of themselves in worship.

  2. Providing an accessible and welcoming environment in which worship may be offered and fellowship deepened.

  3. Arranging activities in which people are encouraged to develop their knowledge and experience of the world in which they live and of the Christian Faith, reflecting on the interrelationship of the two.

  4. Identifying and responding to opportunities to show commitment to our communities and their needs.

  5. Raising awareness within the congregation, both of world issues and concerns of peace.


We will work to create appropriate settings that facilitate the growth and development of its parishioners and the surrounding communities as they seek to meet their spiritual, physical, social, political, cultural, and personal needs. In working to achieve these aims, we will strive to create a climate of mutual respect, understanding, equality, diversity, and interdependence.


In many churches giving is based upon guilt and gimmicks. The emphasis is seldom on the joy of giving back to God as an act of worship. At The Church of God Seventh Day of Palm Beach we teach giving by grace. Because God has graced us with His forgiveness, His presence, and His peace, we then joyfully give back to God as a spiritual act of worship.


2 Corinthians 9:7 says: “Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” The New Testament teaches that our giving should be proportionate, sacrificial, and consistent.

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